Tuesday, July 04, 2006

July 4th, 2006

Into the 4th week of the 60 day T-Tapp contest.

Mini-Max routine on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. I also took one specific exercise each day and practiced it. Persistence, Patience and Perfection. Form counts in T-Tapp like learning the steps of a dance. First we wobble than we don't fall down.

I'm still wobbling. So I'm patient with myself.

Major change for me this week though if feels more normal to me. I went blond. I've almost always been blond and it wasn't until my hair fell out with Alopesis that I stopped lightening it, thinking it would be better for the hair that was growing back but I usually gave in after awhile.

It tended to grow back kinky with a lot of gray and white so I tried darkening it but did not like it so much. I do still have a spot or two of baldness but you wouldn't know it unless I showed you. I change my hair color often but "usually" stay in the blond arena because I like it. This time I went more platinum and I'm going to live with it for a few weeks to see how I like it.

One thing about being in this contest and having pictures taken of myself is I can really SEE what I look like. I didn't like my hair so I changed it. I also didn't like how I looked wearing a favorite pink shirt I felt WAY to comfortable in after seeing myself in a picture wearing it. WHOA! Talk about looking like a pink elephant! You wont catch me wearing that ever again!

I feel really good today. The past week has been interesting. It seems that I experience the dreaded FAT SHIFT. Every little piece of fat from my neck down and my feet up condensed right into my torso. My neck and shoulders and upper back are looking good. My hips have become more slender but the waist and abdomen seemed stubborn. That area felt thicker and looked lumpier.

So I threw in an extra workout yesterday, drank more water and this morning I can see a more slender waist line. Pretty excited about it...lol. I measured and there is a 1/2 inch loss. I have a feeling this week is going to be a good inch loss week for me. Persistence.....

I have also spent quite a bit of time deep into the archives at the T-Tapp forum reading form tips so that has kept me busy too.

Only a few more days before we leave on our camping vacation! I'll still be working out and I'll be somewhere in the desert of the Southwest for the 30 day picture and measurements.

Enjoy the holiday :)


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