Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Day 2

Started day 2 feeling a little woozy. Did not stick to GM yesterday though it was only that ice cream that threw it into a MM day.

Got a late start so had to start with Sunshine. Stood in the upper garden for 15 minutes with the sun on my face. It was pretty cold but I am amazed at how well I am tolerating the cold air. The ice was very thick in the dog bowl but I was able to be out there with just a sweatshirt on.

Did 20 minutes of OP and boy did it clear out my stuffy nose. I don’t think I had ever had such a clear head…I could breathe really good and deep while doing my Ladybug standing workout. Right after I did OP again and it reached the thin watery state in 15 minutes so I was happy with that. I spent about 5 minutes really brushing my body and gladly hopped into the shower.

First meal of the day was a blend of 4 bananas, 10 strawberries and 2 large handfuls of baby spinach leaves. Tasted really good.

No school for Noah though we did spend a couple hours finishing up a history assignment that was behind. He is now caught up with all his work and I let him go out and play. He had a lot of fun sliding on ice patches with his friends. I’m just happy its bright and sunny out even though its as cold as Nebraska! Talk about an ice age whoa! It’s going to be hard to get California Oranges with all that freezing going on.

I had a good bean MM salad for dinner but the guys had a breakfast night…and besides that small bit of sausage and that one little bacon strip I was GM all day J

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Today's That New Day Bootcamp: Day 1

Today I woke up at 3am fully refreshed. A full 6 hours sleep. I rarely have an only 4 hours sleep night anymore and have even lovingly slept 7 or 8. But the norm is 6 hours for me now. T-Tapp has been such a blessing in my life. Little by little each health challenge seems to diminish. As T-tapp builds a better brain while building the body…the mental benefits equal to those of the physical. And life becomes more meaningful.

Truly. As I become more balanced inside, the world around me reflects that. T-tapp is a great first and consistent step. A habit you want to perfect, like a dancer learning the steps…breathing in the calm.

Ok, so I can get a little poetic at times.

Ok, so here’s the scoop:

I did Op twice before I worked out. I was up to early to disturb anyone so did one OP at 3:15 and the next at 6:30 right before my workout. I did standing Ladybug and right after, I did 20 minutes of OP. BWO+ is my main 2 to 3 times a week workout and the meat and potatoes of T-Tapp but since this bootcamp is more designed for de-toxing, balancing and healing I’m using Ladybug for the 10 days before I go back to my regular scheduled workout.

For the first time that I have ever known, one of the pipes into the kitchen was frozen. It was chilly, the dogs water dish was frozen, but I went out anyway.

Not a cloud in the sky and the prettiest blue sky ever, the sun was just barely coming over the tree blocked horizon as I walked out to face the sun. 15 minutes every morning I stand facing the sun… just feeling it on my face. I breathe the cool air deep, stand KLT, butt tucked, and do the arms portion of PBS. Meditation with weights.

Lots of water.

Then I brushed and showered. Today will be a GM day.

Todays that new day

Well it certainly has been a long time since I've entered anything into this blog.

How did I let time go like this!

So, to just clear anything up let me explain first that NO I have not stopped tapping. I'm as dedicated as ever. As a matter of fact I've had some amazing things happen and I'll talk a little about my journey over the last few months each new day.

Todays that new day. This is my 10 day "Todays That New Day Bootcamp."

Let the journey begin...