Thursday, May 13, 2010

Alfalfa from T-tapp

I started seriously taking Alfalfa at the beginning of the year. It worked really well for me on a lot of levels.

I do tend to slack off on supplements after awhile. I like to think of them as nutritional medicine and use them as needed. I had stopped taking the Alfalfa a few weeks back when I decided to do a two week Orange Juice fast. And after the fast ended I didn't get back into the habit.

Well on Sunday, I had a sudden attack of Sciatica. Now, usually when this happens to me it can last for 3 to 10 days. I hate it. It's so painful, and in the past has caused me to rely on crutches to get around. This time, I remembered...that Alfalfa from Teresa Tapp is an effective anti-inflammatory. So I grabbed a bottle and took 9 immediately.

Less than an hour indications of any Sciatica. I was amazed. This is a big thing for me!

I mean really..Alfalfa is really a food!

I'm back to taking it on a daily basis!


Blogger Casey Leigh said...

Congratulations on your success! I am in awe of your success story. :) Sciatica pain is terrible. So happy that you were able to resolve it that fast!

I love the Alfalfa and take regularly to reduce inflammation and alkalize my body. It's a fabulous product!

7:20 AM  

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