Day 2
Started day 2 feeling a little woozy. Did not stick to GM yesterday though it was only that ice cream that threw it into a MM day.
Got a late start so had to start with Sunshine. Stood in the upper garden for 15 minutes with the sun on my face. It was pretty cold but I am amazed at how well I am tolerating the cold air. The ice was very thick in the dog bowl but I was able to be out there with just a sweatshirt on.
Did 20 minutes of OP and boy did it clear out my stuffy nose. I don’t think I had ever had such a clear head…I could breathe really good and deep while doing my Ladybug standing workout. Right after I did OP again and it reached the thin watery state in 15 minutes so I was happy with that. I spent about 5 minutes really brushing my body and gladly hopped into the shower.
First meal of the day was a blend of 4 bananas, 10 strawberries and 2 large handfuls of baby spinach leaves. Tasted really good.
No school for Noah though we did spend a couple hours finishing up a history assignment that was behind. He is now caught up with all his work and I let him go out and play. He had a lot of fun sliding on ice patches with his friends. I’m just happy its bright and sunny out even though its as cold as Nebraska! Talk about an ice age whoa! It’s going to be hard to get California Oranges with all that freezing going on.
I had a good bean MM salad for dinner but the guys had a breakfast night…and besides that small bit of sausage and that one little bacon strip I was GM all day J