Monday, March 29, 2010


Well Life sure does throw curves at you....

But I havent forgotten my T-Tapp. As emotionally challenging my fathers death emotionally Malignant the service with my Narcissistic Sister and as devestating and draining the whole crap was.....I'm recovering. I'm T-tapping, I'm moving, I'm eating well, I'm healing. My Narcissistic Malignant Narcissistic Sister can go to hell.

Enough said. For now.

I'm doing well with T-Tapp. Though the emotional stress has set the healing of my jaw and teeth back a bit I'm confident this Wednesdays surgery will go well. This is a big one! I'm excited to have healthy new teeth implanted! but nervous about the process!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rest in Peace Dad

This has been the hardest few days ever....Dad is gone. So sudden and unexpected. I'm in terrible shock... Life will never be the same...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

1st Day of Spring!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

January Jumpstart contest continues with good results.

Well I am very happy to say that during the contest I lost 18.5 inches doing Total three days a week with BWO+ the rest of the week and have continued T-Tapping doing BWO+ 3 to 5 times a week and have lost a total of 26.75 inches from 1/15/10 to 2/15/10.

Another thing to cheer about is that I just found out that my recovery is going better than they could have imagined. The bone infection is almost gone and I'm scheduled for my next surgery in two weeks.

I'll be working everyday to get my spine and neck aligned and strengthened. I'm oil pulling and eating very healthy.

My thanks to Teresa Tapp.

Anniversary Tsunami

Ok, time to start tapp tapping my fingers on the key board and update this blog.

Our vacation was great. It's just relaxing and gentle on the spirit to go to "our" cabin at the beach. Plus we get to see some family members on the way.

We left Thursday night and drove a few hours to Yreka. We stayed on the cheap that first night (insert shiver) but made up for it in Vancouver, Washington the next night at the sweet Residence Inn Marriott. We had a big Pizza party that night with 15 members of my family. It was so fun. I love seeing everyone!

That next morning we heard about the earthquake in Chile and the news was full of reports of a Tsunami along the Washington State border and a Tsunami advisory was issued. I was nervous AND excited as we headed up the highway. Off we were to our special place along Pacific Beach and maybe a Tsunami!

Mr. P's brother and family live there so we had to go. After all the Chocolate Festival was being held that weekend and our anniversary had never fallen on that weekend in the past 4 years we have gone.

We had brought Lady the Dog with us this year and I was a little nervous about her behavior but you know..she was good as could be..mostly :) It was so much fun watching her be truly joyful on the beach. On Monday most of the weekend visitors and clammers (it was also a clamming weekend) were gone and we had the beach mostly to ourselves and in between spurts of rain and wind, we walked the beach, played Frisbee and gathered sea shells. There's just this huge space of beach and no matter what time of year we go the sun always finds us.

I even T-Tapped 3 out of 4 days we were there and did at least 2 sets of Hoe Downs on days we were traveling. I'm feeling marvelous.

So what happend to that Tsunami? Never did show up. I'm grateful for that. Really ;)