Day 4

Day 4 of T-Tapp 60 day challenge!
Workout done for the day. I have even brushed and showered!
Today was not as hard as yesterday but I really worked up a sweat and focused on form. Have a way to go before I can get that Eye Of the Tiger move down but at least I'm not tumbling over any more!
Today, my son and I are going to the fair and I'm in a perfect mood for it. It's going to be such fun! My husband doesnt care for fairs but I grew up on a farm and "The Fair" was a big part of my summer fun. It's going to be just me and Noah. Yep..that's him.
Didnt have meatloaf last night. Instead we had salad, ham and cheese sandwiches and french fries. I skipped the ham and cheese and had tomato, onion and cheese broiled on top. Yum! Love those sweet onions!
Will do PBS, OIP/HF and Ladybugs before bed.
And tonight we will have meatloaf...I promised's his favorite afterall.....
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